“The desire of gold is not for gold, it's for the sake of liberty and benefit”. It certainly is. Investing in gold provides you with both of these features, which assist in guaranteeing your present and future and futures of your loved ones.
However, there was a period when buying this valuable metal in its basic form was the only way to acquire it. As a result the investor became subject to theft and storage concerns, which curtailed their gold purchasing. Thankfully, this is no longer the case. Now one can avail the opportunity to invest in gold via various media, of which most popular is digital gold. Digital gold is a new age version of buying gold through online portals like mydigigold; for every gram of gold you buy, an equivalent quantity of 24K gold of 99.99% purity is kept in a secure vault.
If you are still at fix about digital gold Vs physical gold, let us clear the confusion how digital gold beats physical gold on almost all fonts.
Costs to Buy
When you buy gold in physical form, you end up paying an additional making charge which ranges between 5% to 20% of the gold value. Digital gold on the other hand entails absolutely no making costs especially when you redeem your gold in digital form as well, making it far more lucrative for investment purposes.
Costs to Hold
After purchasing physical gold, you end up taking up a bank locker to store it safely which again costs you an extra charge. Digital gold once again entails zero holding cost.
Authenticity of physical gold is often questionable, depending on the genuineness of the jewellery merchant. Purity also tends to vary from city to city, from jeweller to jeweller.
Digital gold eliminates these fears of authenticity, as it represents certified gold of 24K of 99.99% purity.
Ease of Liquidity
Digital gold can be easily sold online anytime and at live market price which makes it a hassle-free buying and selling option of gold, whereas in case of selling physical gold, jewellers often offer lower price than live market rate.
All these aforementioned points make investment in digital gold amenable to many uses for the new age investors, from self-purchase to investment and gifting purposes making it far more transparent and lucrative. So start buying digital gold and invest in a smart way.